MSFA Instructor Summer Assessment

MSFA has a Summer Instructor Assessment scheduled. The deadline to submit the application is Friday, May 31st. Please see below for more information.

Job Announcement

MSFA Presents - Make Me a Volunteer Firefighter Video

MSFA PRESENTS: Make Me a Volunteer Firefighter Video

Your Community Needs a Hero!

Need Help recruiting VFF’s? The MSFA produced this “Make Me a Volunteer Firefighter” video promo on a VFF certification day at the MSFA. This is to assist Vol. and Combination Fire Dept.’s recruiting and retention efforts in the state. Please feel free to download and use this video in an effort to recruit within your station, town, city, or county. Please feel free to use at High Schools, Colleges, Civic Clubs, and public education or community functions. Made for YOUR department to help recruit the current or next generation!

This promotion video has been placed on our MSFA web-site to download or check it out at

Auxiliary Henry Outlaw Scholarship

The MS Firefighter Auxiliary has created a new scholarship in the memory of Mr. Henry Outlaw.

Scholarship Application

Statewide Firefighter Award Program

We hope to bring this program back for the 2025 MFFA/MFCA Summer Conference.

Lavender Ribbon Report

Best Practices for Preventing Firefighter Cancer
Lavender Ribbon Report Download

Firefighter Rodeo returns to Conference

Teams will consist of 3 people, 2 of which will be dressed in full PPE and wearing SCBA (no facepiece)
1. Team member # 1 will be on cot in plain clothes.
2. Team member # 2 will begin at water dumping station.
3. Team member # 3 will begin on the go cart.

At the start, Team Member # 1 will get up and dress into their PPE. They will pick up a 5 gal bucket, fill with water from, and carry 25 ft to water dumping station. At this point, Team Member # 2 can assist with his/her bucket. Five (5) total buckets will have to be moved. Then, Team Member # 1 and # 2 will pick up 100 ft of preconnect hoseline and move the go cart by using water only. Water must only be sprayed on the back board of the go cart. Go cart must travel 100 ft to the finish line.

Pushing the cart with the nozzle will result in disqualification.

AFG - Vehicle Awards!!!

Please read the below conversation between Vincent Ramm with the AFG program and one of our fire chiefs here in MS. If you
receive an AFG for a vehicle your apparatus drivers MUST meet these requirements. These are the rules established
by those who develop the guidelines for the grant programs, not mine.

Second is the driver operator course. We conduct a driver course yearly through VFIS or EVOC. Does that meet requirments?
Again there is the cost factor. The course if only offered through the State Academy and is costly for a volunteer department.

ANSWER - EVOC is not considered a "comprehensive driver operators program". You need to read NFPA 1002 on what is the requirement for driver/operators.

I know a firefighters health is worth it all, but you got to have the money to do it. I talked with our fire coordinator today and he advised no department in our county has ever had to do the medical exam before and most of them have
been awarded grants for vehicles in the past.

*ANSWER - * If they received AFG funds for a vehicle, it is a requirement. I will talk to Brad Smith and let him know the requirement.

2015 Vendor Registration

  • First Alarm is an 8’ X 8’ exhibition space that includes 1 6’ table, 2 chairs, and a garbage can. Additional spaces are $150.00 per space.
  • Second Alarm is a First Alarm package plus sponsorship of a break
  • Third Alarm is an exhibition space for a piece of apparatus. Additional pieces of apparatus are $250.00 per piece
  • Fully Involved is a Third Alarm package plus sponsorship of a dinner
If electricity is required, an additional $20.00 per outlet should be included. This is noted on the registration form.